How to Curl Hair with Scissors Using the Point Cutting Technique

How to Curl Hair with Scissors Using the Point Cutting Technique


Curling hair with scissors using the point cutting technique is an advanced and creative hairstyling method that results in unique, textured curls. This technique involves cutting the hair at an angle with scissors to create small, twistable sections of hair that can form curls or waves. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to curl hair with scissors using the point cutting technique:

Tools Needed:

  • Hairdressing scissors
  • A comb
  • Hair clips or pins
  • A mirror
  • Styling products (optional)

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Preparation:
    • Begin by preparing your tools and workspace. Ensure good lighting and access to a mirror. The hair should be clean, dry, and free of tangles.
  2. Sectioning:
    • Divide the hair into sections using your comb and hair clips. The size of the sections depends on the desired curl size and the volume of hair you're working with.
  3. Start with a Section:
    • Take a small section of hair (typically about half an inch wide). The smaller the section, the tighter the resulting curls will be.
  4. Point Cutting:
    • Hold the section of hair with your non-dominant hand and position your scissors vertically (with the points facing upward).
    • Angle the scissors slightly (about 45 degrees) to the hair and make a cut along the length of the hair. The angle and depth of the cut will determine the curl pattern.
    • The more aggressively you angle the scissors and the deeper you cut, the more pronounced the curl will be. Experiment with different angles and cutting depths for varying results.
  5. Twisting the Section:
    • After point cutting, take the cut section of hair and twist it gently between your fingers. The hair will naturally curl or wave due to the point-cutting technique.
  6. Repeat:
    • Continue this process throughout the hair, taking small sections, point cutting, and then twisting. The point cutting creates multiple cut surfaces that encourage the hair to curl or wave more effectively.
  7. Styling Products (Optional):
    • If you want to set or enhance the curls, you can use styling products like mousse, hairspray, or curl-enhancing creams.
  8. Finishing Touch:
    • After curling the hair with scissors, you can style it further by using a diffuser on a blow dryer to set the curls or by using a curling iron on select sections if more defined curls are desired.


  • Practice the point-cutting technique on a small section of hair first to get a feel for the angle and depth of the cut required to create the desired curl pattern.
  • Vary the size of the sections to create a more textured and natural look.
  • Be cautious when point cutting to avoid cutting too deeply, as this can lead to uneven results or unwanted layers.
  • Experiment with different angles and cutting techniques to achieve a variety of curl and wave patterns.

Curling hair with scissors using the point cutting technique is a creative and unconventional approach to hairstyling. It can be especially effective for achieving a textured, natural, and beachy look. As with any hairstyling technique, practice and experimentation are key to mastering the art of point cutting for curls.

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